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"Sport creates welfare"
The conference
April 2025

We have long time ago started with the preparations for IDRÆTSMØDET 2025, which will be the 6th edition.

The overall headline in 2025 is "Sport creates welfare".
We aim to create the most relevant and inspiring sports conference ever.
In this regard, we would like to have your input and ideas on the topics we should include on the agenda. You can submit suggestions to us as an individual, association, or organization before November 15, 2024, via


These can be overarching themes, but also specific proposals for keynote speakers, content for a single session - with or without suggestions for presenters, debaters, and format.
The framework is 60-minute sessions, with a desire for greater participant involvement. Below, as inspiration, you can see what we have currently planned for the conference on April 28-30., 2025, in Aalborg.

We will follow up on the success with Tour de Aalborg, where we did leave the conference rooms to meet "the real life".
We expect to arrange 4-5 tours during the conference with different subjects and headlines.   

We expect the program for the conference to be finalized 15th of February 2025.


The main themes of 2025 are:

Public health strategy

  • The role of sport in the new Danish health reform

  • Sports as a natural part of the public health strategy, as an essential preventive & health-promoting factor, both physically and mentally.

  • How sports can be a decisive element in securing the workforce – in a time of increased retirement age, smaller cohorts, and longer life expectancy.

  • What difference can sports & physical activity play in relation to lifestyle diseases?

  • Sports in rehabilitation – civil society collaboration

Children, youth & young adults in sport

  • The importance of day care centers and schools for the lifelong enjoyment of movement.
    How to create lasting joy in movement?

  • What is it, that sports traumatizes a part of the population in the current system - and what measures can we take to reduce this?

  • Sports of the future for children

  • What do young people want? The young adults?

  • Diversity – new constellations & combinations

  • Sports of the future for young people & young adults

  • Loneliness, Strengths & Weaknesses of Communities

  • Youth Sports: Boundaries & Rules; Inclusive or Exclusive

  • The Voice & Initiatives of Young Adults (Aged 18-29)

  • Sports for Girls & Women

  • Volunteering with a Focus on Coaches and Their Role as Cultural Carriers

The good end – the active sporting life for 65+

  • Healthy aging – the positive impact of physical activity on the need for care – as well as the quality of life.

  • The importance of sports communities for mental health.

  • Can sports & physical activity be life-prolonging? Postpone the risk of getting dementia?

  • Collaboration between private sports sector and the sports associations

  • Trainer education for 65+ trainers/managers

  • Welfare technology – which creates physical activity

Sports tech & sports business

  • Association development – ​​management training – coach development

  • Tourism, events and campaigns that strengthen the community & public health

  • Talent development & elite sports use of technology

  • How can future investments in sports facilities benefit the most?

  • How can we create more fan involvement and increase the fan experiences?

  • What booms in the sports business?

Sport impact

  • The Significance and Role of the Private Sports Sector in Public Health

  • Health Economics

  • Sports as inclusion for vulnerable citizens – the way back to life through sports.

  • Sports as a means of integration and a path to assimilation – for non-ethnic

  • The space & framework of sport - how does sport make the most optimal use of the physical framework?

  • How is public health prioritized in relation to environmental legislation in relation to the proximity and accessibility of sports facilities for citizens.

  • Sustainability & energy optimization

  • Private & municipal sports collaborations with a focus on citizens

  • The importance and potential of sport in rural areas



Did you miss something? Seize the opportunity to revisit exciting content from previous years of the Sports Meeting. Follow the links below to access the playlists on YouTube.

Idrætsmødet 2022

Idrætsmødet 2023

Participant Testimonials











The Sports Meeting is held in close collaboration with many of the sports organizations, including: